lcfg-install - LCFG install component


This component controls which components are called at install time.



A list of install method tags to call in sequence to install a machine.


The install method associated with tag. Each method can be either an LCFG component call (to be passed to om) or one of the following built-in operators.

In the following, targetroot is the path to the root of the target system.

%configclock% targetroot

Configures the /etc/sysconfig/clock file of the target system.

%gettime% rdate|ntpdate timeservers

Sets the system time using either rdate or ntpdate. timeservers is a list of servers to query.


Sets the hardware clock from the current system time.

%umount% targetroot

Attempts to unmount all mounted filesystems under targetroot.

%settz% targetroot

Creates the target system's /etc/localtime link. See the timezone resource.

%oneshot% param

Will eval the shell string param. The use of this operator is seriously frowned upon; it should only be used for development purposes.


If this value is set to yes, indicates that the hardware clock is kept in UTC. Set to no if not. Is used both for the %configclock% built-in for setting the target system's /etc/sysconfig/clock file and by the %setclock% built-in for setting the current time.


Used to specify extra flags to the hwclock command used by the SetClock method.


This configures the timezone for the target system by linking the specified /usr/share/zoneinfo file to /etc/localtime.


FedoraCore13, ScientificLinux5, ScientificLinux6


Alastair Scobie <>