lcfglock - lock/unlock component semaphore


/usr/sbin/lcfglock [options] component


This command is used by LCFG components to prevent multiple simultaneous executions of component methods.



When used in conjunction with -u this option forces the lock on the named component to be broken, even if it was owned by some other process.

-d dir

Use directory dir for lock files.


Print debugging messages to stderr.


Lock operations return immediately with exit status 2 if the semaphore is busy rather than waiting.

-p pid

Use pid as the process owning the semaphore. The default is is the process calling lcfglock.


Quiet mode. exit silently when attempting to release non-existent locks, or to take already existing locks.

-t secs

Lock operations return immediately with exit status 2 if the semaphore is busy after waiting secs seconds.


Unlock (rather than lock) the semaphore.


Print messages when waiting for lock.


ScientificLinux6, EnterpriseLinux7, MacOSX


Paul Anderson <>